Open Monday February 17th - President's Day FOR RESERVATIONS ONLY !

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Birthdays – a BIG Surprise

Since The Plant Place is a new business—and there aren’t many (if any) like it around—I really didn’t know what to expect. One of the biggest surprises has been the wide range of ages among my plant creators. We’ve had planters as young as 3 (with a little help from mom) and as old as 80!

Another wonderful surprise has been the enthusiasm for celebrating birthdays at The Plant Place—and how much I enjoy celebrating with them! Maybe it’s the joy of creating something unique with friends and family, or perhaps it’s the fun, one-of-a-kind experience that draws people in. All I know is that every partygoer leaves with excitement and great memories.

I’ve loved designing and hosting Fairy Garden/Woodland Adventurer and Moana-themed parties for little ones, as well as more intimate and “grown-up” events for tweens and teens. But I have to admit—the themed birthday parties for younger kids are my absolute favorite! Seeing them fully embrace the theme, get creative with their own party favors, and dive into classic games like Red Light, Green Light and Freeze Dance is just so much fun.

Hearing kids exclaim, “This is so cool!” or “I’ve never done this before!” or “I had so much fun!” fills me with joy and makes me even more excited for future birthdays at The Plant Place!

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