Open Monday February 17th - President's Day FOR RESERVATIONS ONLY !

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Inclusivity: Plant Art is really for everyone

When I envisioned The Plant Place and the projects and activities it would offer, my goal was to create a space where everyone could come and create— people of all ages. What I didn’t anticipate, however, was how perfect The Plant Place would be for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

A dear friend of mine—the talented artist behind the beautiful mural on my building—also works as a therapist at the ARC, an organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities while supporting their full inclusion in the community. She suggested offering workshops for her clients, and she was absolutely right—it was a fantastic idea!

With a few adjustments, we quickly found ways to make the experience accessible, and the workshops have been a huge success. In addition to working with the ARC, we now collaborate with Camp Robin, a program run by Old Bridge Township, and the PrimeTime Center.

I truly love leading these workshops—not only because they present unique challenges, but because they are incredibly rewarding. Just last week, we welcomed our first visually impaired participant, and it turned out to be the perfect activity for her. Everything—the plants, the materials, the textures—was something she could feel and engage with. Experiencing the joy in her creation process was absolutely unforgettable.

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